Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm a what? A sinner? I don't get it!

In the gospel of Luke in at least nine different places Luke talks about being saved. Now to the people of Israel this was a new, and I mean brand new concept. They weren't accustomed to the concept of being saved once and for all. What system was in place for them was the Old Testament system of the high priest going before God during the time of the passover and offering sacrifices for the sins of the people collectively not individually. Jesus was in the process of teaching them a new way to not only begin their spiritual life anew but a whole new way of life. But because they didn't see Jesus as their Savior, their Messiah, their Redeemer they couldn't grasp the important need for them take the first step by faith. Jesus gave them plenty of examples of what He could do. He chased out a legion of demons, healed the sick from terrible debilating diseases, gave sight to the blind and gave the deaf back their hearing. He turned water into wine and forgave countless people their sins. And yet they still needed proof of his divinity, that He indeed was the Son of Man, as Luke describes Him as. And they still refused to accept Him as the Messiah.

Getting back to Luke's description of getting saved. That word in the greek language is sozo with emphasis on the two o's. It means to be rescued or delivered. This was so people could find their way back into right relationship with their Heavenly Father. What's most important about this is that the Lord never, ever rejects someone who is longing to be made whole spiritually. He is afterall, the only one who can do that. We can be assured that the Lord always responds to those who eagerly seek Him.

When was the last time you eagerly sought after Him. Yesterday as I finished my morning devotions and I was closing that time with the Lord in prayer, I sensed God's presence in a wonderful, nearly overwhelming way. I began to cry and I let the tears flow freely as I desired to receive all that God had prepared for me that morning. He spoke words of encouragement, discipline and love. As I finished my prayer time I realized that it all started so many years ago when I realized that I would need to get saved, sozo, rescued from my sins, that had condemned me to a eternity forever separated from my Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord for those moments of care and for filling me up to overflowing with your presence. Amen

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A non-transformation/non-multiplying church

Good afternoon everyone. I trust that you have all had a good week and that the Lord is bringing blessing into your life. Today I want to share with you what it is like to be a non-transformational church. Keep in mind and compare to last weeks blog what the transformational church is doing right and where the other goes off track.

1. The church is dis unified or shares a casual commonality. I'm not even sure that "dis unified" is a word but anyway, the author is trying to point out that in a church more of the obvious things to outsiders is how unified the church is and how well they are able to assimilate into the lives of their congregation.

2. The people of the church have a fondness or appreciation for each other and others. In other words they/we could do a better job of demonstrating of love for one another in the family of God.

3. When it comes to sharing their faith people find it hard to do. It's difficult to love, share or give to others.

4. A transformation church practices the one anothers of scripture. A non-transformational church practices some of the one anothers. IE., love one another, forgive one another, be kind to one another. I think you get the idea. To truly become a transformational church we need to put those one another sayings of scripture to work as quickly as is possible.

5. They/we are characterized as being a civil and/or friendly and polite community.
This alone is not anything bad, however when we can't move beyond this is when we get into trouble. The people who visit our church are looking for transparency and authenticity. Are we that?

6. The inside ministry is what looks to be the most important and is promoted as the most important. In others words, what others see as important to us is that we take care of our own first and everyone else second.

7. When we gather for prayer or pray for others we do so by "targeting" them. IE., we tell them that we will be praying for them rather than praying with them that very moment. If someone has come to you with a need that they needed prayer, more than likely they won't want to "wait" for someone to pray for them but to pray "with" them.

8. Generally we have been taught that in order to have a time of prayer it must take place in an appropriate place at an appropriate time. Prayer is planned. Often times needs cannot wait to be prayed for, they must be prayed for then.

9. I'm guilty of this, spending a lot of time with the prayer requests, gathering them, talking about them, explaining them. And then in reality little time is spent praying about those needs.

10. The leader's of the church are primarily focused on the church. I'm sure you're asking yourself what's wrong with that? Isn't that what the leader's are supposed to be doing? Well the answer is somewhat ambiguous. Yes they should be focused on the church. However, they should be more engaged in the church and bringing others into it.

11. The leaders of the church seem to be doing their own thing, individually, and working independent of the overall vision of the church.

12. For many years the church had one function, to serve as the place where people gathered together for worship. For many congregations today, their "church" building is used primarily for church and outside groups aren't necessarily allowed to use the facility for anything else.

13. In a non-transformational church Bible Study is stressed. Nothing really wrong with Bible study per say, but acquiring knowledge and information isn't the point with the Bible. The point is to put into practice what the Bible teaches.

14. Our passion is the highest for our vision or program.

15. Few people can answer the question, "Who are we reaching?"

16. In a non-transformational church "Faith" activity is rare.

17. When it comes to ministry only a few people are included in significant ministry.

18. Generally speaking, academic based training teaches the "how to think and do".

19. Obedience is a means to an end.

20. Preaching and teaching is correct but tends to be cliche, manipulative or uninspired.

Okay, there you have it. I would suggest you print off both pages and then do a comparison of what you believe that our Church is doing. Are we a transformational or non-transformational church? You may ask yourself if it makes any difference? I believe it does. You might also say that all this stuff on here is the job of the pastor. That's what we pay him to do. Oh but it isn't just the pastor's job, the church is for all of us. And the call He has placed on our life is one that can help us place our trust and faith in Him and trust His guidance. James 1:22 tells us not to be listeners only but doers as well. What do you say? I say let's do something!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Be a transformational church/Galatians 6:9

First of all, I'd like apologize about not getting to this task faster. In the middle of the week after a very busy monday and tuesday I suddenly discovered or remember I should say, that I had completely neglected, you know forgotten, to enter my thoughts about last sunday. So here they are. I mentioned in my message another passage of scripture that we didn't really touch on. Paul wrote to the Galatians, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." The key words or phrases here in this verse are doing good and do not give up. These are two things that I believe are easier to do today perhaps even more than ever before. We are an instant microwave type society bent are being satisfied and pacified NOW! Often times in doing good we don't see the results right away. In the short of it, if we give a gift then most people respond with gratefulness and joy. However if we do good for a group of let's say a homeless shelter or people, then the gratitude doesn't flow our way quite as fast and the tendency is to give up because we weren't instantly gratified. Is that it or is it that we are prepared to go the long haul. In words, volunteer again and again and again to see the good that we are trying to accomplish.

Growing the church into a church that is transformational is much like that. We must volunteer again and again and again. I promised you 20 things that a transformational church is and 20 things that represent a non-transformational church. One note before I give these to you, I was not the original author of these and want to give credit to Bishop Matt Thomas of the Free Methodist Church of North America.
So here we go. Also, I won't be able to comment on them as that would take more time than you may be willing to read. So for the sake of time I will list them and expound on them later.

1. A transformation church is unified.
2. They have an engaging and compelling
love for one another.
3. The people of a transformation church
cannot help but be loving, giving,sharing.
4. They practice all of the one anothers.
(There are many of these listed in scripture
which is probably enouch for another day.)
5. The people of a transformation church are
enthusiastic and excited about what their
church is doing. That translates to a con-
tagious buzz.
6. Outside ministry is celebrated and promoted.
7. Typically a transformation church will pray
"with" someone right away.
8. In a transformational church prayer is spon-
9. They spend a little time in taking prayer
requests and Much time is actually sprent in
10. Leaders are engaged in being the church.
11. There is a team and interdependence atmosphere.
12. There are "pre-christian" groups using the
church. ie.AA, AlAnon,Medical Clinic, Language
13. Bible application is stressed
14. A transformational church has the highest
passion for Jesus and people.
15. Most people can answer the question, "Who are
we reaching?"
16. Faith activity is prevalent. Do we do something
based on whether we have the burden for it or if
we have the money for it.
17. There are many people involved in significant
18. The church has a ministry based training experience
or how to live and do the work of Christ.
19. People recognize that Obedience is an end.
20. The preaching and teaching of the church is true,
relevant, interesting, clear and applicable

In short, most of us have a long way to go, me included. I am currently learning to
pray in new and more effective ways for the building up of the church and ultimately for the Kingdom of God. I also desire to provide ways that we as a church can continue to reach out and still maintain the spiritual health and vitality of the local church. Next week I'll share with you the non-transformational issues that local churches experience. At that end will share with you where I believe we are and what we could do to improve in those areas.

Love you all,
Pastor Richard