Monday, July 25, 2011

Miracles and Majesty

After the message yesterday, for those who weren't able to attend, I preached on the Miracles and Majesty of the Lord Jesus. We found ourselves in Acts 9:32-43. This is the time that Peter is in the limelight, so to speak, for the next several chapters. In this specific passage, Peter finds that he is called upon to heal two people. Aeneas who is a paralytic and Tabitha/Dorcas who has fallen ill and died. In both cases without a miracle these people would have suffered like crazy. Aenea because of not being about to get around and Dorcas, well not much happens in this life after you're dead.

What I'd like to say to those of you who are reading this today is that just because you can't identify a miracle that may have happened in your life doesn't mean they haven't happened. Likewise, it doesn't mean that you won't experience a miracle for whatever the reason. It could be that without a miracle your business will fold, or without a miracle you won't be able to conceive or without a miracle you'll never find real lasting love. Not so!! God's ability to provide a miracle is not limited to what we can see, think, feel or believe. Yes we do have to exercise our faith and trust that God will make a way.

However, we shouldn't be looking around the corner for our next miracle. It will happen when we least expect it to. As I've said to each of you so many time before, God knows what is best for us and will provide it at just the right time. Trust in Him to do just that, to provide in just the right time and who knows, the next time you round that corner your miracle may be waiting their for you.

It is then that God's Majesty is displayed. It is then that we have to realize that it could only have been God who could have done whatever it was that we needed. Maybe you need a miracle because you've got some sort of addiction, or perhaps you need a miracle to be delivered from a deep dark pit of depression. Remember, God cares about you as a whole person, with all of our problems, with all our sin, with all our deceptiveness and manipulation tricks. Whatever it is, He can handle it. Nothing surprises Him. He loves all of you and me and only wants His very best for us.