Monday, November 7, 2011


Yesterday I felt so blessed to be able to preach about heaven. It's not really a subject that I might have preached about in my career more than 2 or 3 other times. I said to my congregation that when I was younger, in my 20's and 30's, I really didn't think much about heaven. Now that I'm older, 55, and both of my parents, grandparents and in-laws have passed away it's a subject that I'm thinking more about. I appreciated all the comments after church about books I should read for instance, "90 Minutes In Heaven" and "Heaven Is For Real". These are true stories from people who have actually had authentic out of the body experiences. Now I've never had an experience like this and haven't known anyone who ever has. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen or hasn't happened. I for one believe that it does happen and that there is a reason for such experiences, although I haven't been able to ascertain what that meaning might be. Perhaps it's God's way of confirming His Word to us about what heaven might be like, not for His sake but for ours. Outside of these out of body experiences we still have the promise of God that heaven exists for His children who choose to follow Him with heart, mind, soul and spirit. Another thought about heaven that I mentioned yesterday is that heaven is the reward for the hell that people have had to endure while here on earth. Sorry that isn't right thinking. Heaven is a place that has been prepared for His children as their "reward", their "prize" for having "run the race that was before them". A fellow pastor who has battled and suffered with pancreatic cancer, along with his family, for about the last 3 or so years passed away yesterday. I didn't know him well but knew him well enough to know that he had a place secured for him in that glorious place called heaven. And it really wasn't anything that he had done except say yes to Jesus as his Savior. With that simple yes, his name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life and when life in this world came to and end he was immediately transported to Heaven. How? I don't know. It's simply something that you have to take by faith. God promised it to be and so it is. I have to say, that is certainly good enough for me. Blessings on you all.