Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Are We Reaching Anyone?

After I returned from Annual Conference I brought you a message about reaching others. In order for most of us be able to reach people for the cause of Christ several components have to fall into place. One of those is that to be able to effectively bring a person to Christ a relationship has to be established. It's amazing what being a friend can mean to people. The next thing that has to happen is that we must pray for them. God wants to work, wants to save, wants to bring hope and joy. I'm sure you've heard the expression, work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on God. Because it does. It all depends on God to seize the moment when it comes.

So are we following through? Are each of us doing our part to reach one person that doesn't know Christ as their personal Savior? You can do I know you can! Develop those relationships and seize those moments that come to share your faith with them. Remember you're not doing this alone, Jesus is with you all along the way. Don't give up, have faith and trust in Him.

I love you all, you're great wonderful people.